Home Resources Media release Continuing the songlines, SNAICC welcomes national strategy for our children in their early years - SNAICC Media release Continuing the songlines, SNAICC welcomes national strategy for our children in their early years - SNAICC SNAICC, the national peak body representing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families, is pleased to announce the release of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy in partnership with the Australian Government. Country Australia Language English Region Oceania Resource type Articles Strategic Pillars Indigenous Monitoring, Evaluation, Adapting & Social Learning Topic Education Organization National voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (SNAICC) View source More on this Articles Media release SNAICC welcomes new National Agreement on Closing the Gap to strengthen outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania Articles National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania Articles Federal Budget Proposals: Early childhood education and care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania Articles Media release: Gap widens for children in early years - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania