Home Resources Media release: Gap widens for children in early years - SNAICC Media release: Gap widens for children in early years - SNAICC It is critical that Governments act now to better support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children if there is to be progress on closing the gap. Country Australia Language English Region Oceania Resource type Articles Strategic Pillars Indigenous Monitoring, Evaluation, Adapting & Social Learning Topic Education Organization National voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (SNAICC) View source More on this Articles National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania Articles Federal Budget Proposals: Early childhood education and care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania Articles Media Release: 14 years on and our kids still aren-t home - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania Articles Ensuring a fair start for our children: The need for a dedicated funding stream for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years sector - SNAICC Education Australia Oceania