Home Resources Womens Action Group (WAG) - Womankind Worldwide Womens Action Group (WAG) - Womankind Worldwide Women’s Action Group (WAG) is a non-governmental organisation whose work centres on empowering women and girls to enjoy their rights in violence free and rights conscious communities. Country Regional Language English Region Europe Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Human Rights, Policies and Advocacy Topic Women's empowerment Organization Womankind Worldwide View source More on this Notes Resources - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe Notes When you fund advocacy at all levels you-re going to have that permanent change, you-re going to have people that can hold others accountable. - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe Notes Misogyny runs deep: how to stand up to sexist language - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe Notes I am deaf but I can do this on my own - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe