Home Resources Port Ban, Co. Cork - Irish Wildlife Trust Port Ban, Co. Cork - Irish Wildlife Trust Port Bán is a 13 acre site made up of a patchwork of different habitats running along the banks of the river Toon. An area of cutover bog and heath gives way to a band of wet-woodland that runs parallel to the river Toon. Country Ireland Language English Region Europe Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Monitoring, Evaluation, Adapting & Social Learning Topic Lands, forests and territories Organization Irish Wildlife Trust View source More on this Notes Leave a Legacy - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes PRESS RELEASE: Irish Wildlife Trust calls for full investigation into fire at Killarney National Park and emergency measures to stop the cycle of infernos - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes People for Bees in National Biodiversity Week - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes Wildlife & Communities - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe