Home Resources Kerry Branch - Irish Wildlife Trust Kerry Branch - Irish Wildlife Trust The Kerry branch of the Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) aims to promote the appreciation of wildlife and the importance of habitat conservation throughout the county of Kerry. Country Ireland Language English Region Europe Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Monitoring, Evaluation, Adapting & Social Learning Topic Lands, forests and territories Organization Irish Wildlife Trust View source More on this Notes Galway Branch - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes Irish Wildlife Trust calls on Minister Michael Creed to end destructive pair-trawling in coastal waters - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes PRESS RELEASE: WildArt 2022 - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes Press Release: Irish Wildlife Trust welcomes Oireachtas report on pre-Legislative Scrutiny of General Scheme of the Marine Planning and Development Management (MPDM) Bill - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe