Home Resources Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) - Womankind Worldwide Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) - Womankind Worldwide Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) is a lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) women’s organisation that reinforces feminist culture and principles, equality of women and stipulated in human rights. Country Uganda Language English Region Africa Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Human Rights, Policies and Advocacy Topic Women's empowerment Organization Womankind Worldwide View source More on this Notes Now and the Future: Gender Equality, Peace and Security in a COVID-19 World Uganda Updated Briefing - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Uganda Africa Notes National Association of Womens Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU) - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Uganda Africa Notes National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU) - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Uganda Africa Notes Now and the Future: Gender Equality, Peace and Security in a COVID-19 World - Uganda - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Uganda Africa